Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

Efficacy of implementation intentions intervention on prevention of smoking among adolescents

rssEvid Based Nurs 2011;14:81-82 doi:10.1136/ebn1162 Maria Margarida da Silva Reis dos Santos Ferreira

Nursing College of Porto, Porto, PortugalCorrespondence to Maria Margarida da Silva Reis dos Santos Ferreira
Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto, Rua Doutor António Bernardino de Almeida, 4200-072 Porto, Portugal; mrs{at} Commentary on: Conner M, Higgins AR. Long-term effects of implementation intentions on prevention of smoking uptake among adolescents: a cluster randomized controlled trial . Health Psychol 2010; 29: 529– 38.

? Implementation intention interventions which address the adolescent's intentions for the adoption of a healthy lifestyle are one of the strategies to use to avoid the adoption of risk behaviours and therefore improve their healthy behaviours.

? Implementation intention interventions are a strategy to control the consumption of tobacco in adolescence. These interventions should be started early to empower adolescents.

? Interventions which aim at health promotion should not be performed in isolation but should be repeated over a period of time.

? To prove the viability of randomised controlled trial (RCT, considered the best study design to evaluate the effect of an intervention) with long-time follow-up of studies developed with adolescents.

Nurses are in a unique position to promote the health of adolescents by developing formal and informal health education sessions. These interventions aim to develop the adolescent's personality, the acquisition of knowledge, critical-reflexive capacity, decision-making skills and the capacity of the adolescent to assess their own actions.

Research is essential to obtain gains …

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